Client Stories:

Joanne Conway | Website Copy

Establishing Joanne as a professional speaker

Equity, diversity and inclusion leader Joanne Conway wanted to attract more speaking opportunities. She knew she needed a website so people could find her, but she wasn’t sure how to write about herself. Overwhelmed and feeling stifled by her competition, she reached out… here’s what happened.

THE BRIEF: Joanne wanted to create a website that would do three things: establish her as a speaker available for hire, showcase her skills and story, and allow her to publish her research.

WORKING TOGETHER: The first step was understanding Joanne’s story and purpose. I asked Joanne questions to get to the root of her personal brand, goals and aspirations. This helped me understand what makes her unique. When clients tell me they don’t have a story or something that sets them apart, that is never the case!

The next phase was research. I analysed Joanne’s competitors to understand the industry. Keyword research was also important to ensure Joanne’s potential clients could easily find her.

Next, I crafted the copy for Joanne’s website. I wanted to establish Joanne’s credibility so I created ‘The Hub’ section where she can share her research, long-form blogs and videos. The website is peppered with eye-catching headlines and engaging calls to action to draw the reader in. The copy sounds like Joanne and tells the reader her story - taking them back to her roots, which leads to her purpose, research and speaking.

THE RESULT: Joanne now has a website she is proud to share! It’s led to numerous offers for speaking engagements, and she can now charge for speaking, which she couldn’t do before. With her website now in place, Joanne can focus on doing what she does best: inspiring and educating her audience.